The original fairview inn was built in 1874 by martin swift.
It was a top destination for Boston’s vacationing elite. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s guests would play cards in the back rooms or listen to live violin music while overlooking the ocean.
During prohibition, the place was bustling with people because of an underground tunnel that ran from the basement to the ocean for direct liquor access. It was visited by stars such as Babe Ruth and James Michael Curley.
The building stood tall and proud in Brant Rock for 123 years of success until one unforeseen night. On a late night in March of 1998 a dryer fire caused the Historic Restaurant to burn to the ground.
The restaurant was owned by Walter Greaney and Micheal Elms at the time when it burnt down. They had been successfully running the restaurant since 1985.
After the restaurant burnt down, Jack and Bob Clancy (Owners of Clancy Construction Co, Inc.) bought the land from the previous Fairview owners. The Clancy brothers are lifelong Marshfield residents and couldn’t imagine their town without the landmark Inn. (Bobby and his wife had their wedding at the old Fairview!)
Their goal was to bring back the memory of historic restaurant the best way they knew how. By rebuilding it.
Three and a half years after the Faiview Inn was destroyed by an awful fire the Clancy Brothers were able to provide a beautiful building that harbors the true spirit of the restaurant that has now stood in the same locations for 142 years.